Can Student Loan Debt Be Discharged With A Bankruptcy? If you are struggling with the burden of paying down your student loan debt, you are not alone. Millions of people are carrying tens of thousands of dollars in outstanding loan debt from their educational pursuits. If you are struggling financially, you may wind up asking […]
Biden Loan Forgiveness & Bankruptcy President Joe Biden announced his long-awaited student loan forgiveness plan. The plan, which was telegraphed in his campaign promises of $10,000 forgiveness per borrower, came in at that level – more if you qualified for Pell Grants while in school. However, the plan drew criticism from both sides of the […]
Bankruptcy Statistics Show a Surprising Trend in Early 2022 With the global pandemic, shutdowns, lockdowns, layoffs, and reduced working hours, many expected a drastic increase in the number of bankruptcy filings in the latter half of 2020 and throughout 2021. Many people were wrong, it turned out — bankruptcy filings actually decreased significantly in both years. […]
As Holiday Spending Rises, 60% of Americans Live Paycheque to Paycheque Recent economic trends have highlighted a concerning reality for many American households. Despite a slight easing of inflation, as noted by the Federal Reserve, the financial pressures on families remain acute. As we approach the holiday season, which is notorious for being a financial […]
Americans Are $1.13 Trillion in Debt – What Does This Mean? The Current State of Credit Card Debt in the U.S. The total credit card debt in the United States has reached a staggering $1.13 trillion, as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. A significant rise was observed in the last quarter […]
5 Tips for Dealing With Debt Collectors Sun Tzu said: “Know the enemy and know yourself. Your victory will be painless. Know the weather and the field. Your victory will be complete.” So let’s first discuss the enemy: the debt collector. In order to understand the debt collector, you have to understand how debt collection […]
10 Terms in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy You Should Know Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a legal process designed to provide individuals and businesses with a fresh financial start by eliminating most of their debts. It’s a complex legal field that can feel impossible to understand if you haven’t studied law yourself. To better navigate this legal […]
10 Essential Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Terms Many of us aren’t aware of the intricacies of bankruptcy law. Fewer are aware of the existence of multiple chapters of bankruptcy, or of their different functions. We aren’t all qualified to be bankruptcy attorneys, after all – not to worry, though. In this list, you’ll find terminology that […]
10 Bankruptcy Terms You Need to Know Are you familiar with the difference between the various chapters of bankruptcy? Can you define an adversary proceeding? Do you know the qualifications for a bankruptcy means test? If you answered “no” to any of those questions, then don’t worry – most of us can’t. Bankruptcy is a […]
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